22 November 2009

Chicken Day is Less Than One Month Away

That's right, my version of a winter holiday is coming up on December 17th. It should be a fairly good event this year since The Boy's big choir performance is actually before the 17th (usually it is right around it, so he's all stressed out and can't even think about Chicken Day). Even better, I was able to use my two personal holidays at work for 12/17 and 12/18--thus giving me a 4-day weekend. Our next Family Urban Gathering is on 12/20, so I probably won't have a Chicken Day party. Maybe I will have a small private dinner. Maybe a Quelf night! We'll see.

Today I spent many hours on the couch working on a special Chicken Day project for three important women in my life. I am not going to detail it anymore than that, but it was time-consuming work, and I hope it comes out well. I'm really excited for it, since it is something I made but not a mosaic. That would make one more thing I accomplished in November.

My Chicken Day shopping goals are always to try and have everything ordered by 11/30. I have instituted a no-buying-anything rule in effect this Friday for The Boy. He is terrible about getting a wandering eye right before his birthday, our anniversary and Chicken Day. Always giving me panic attacks that he is going to buy what I already bought him. He's such a jackass like that. I said it twice, so I hope it sticks.

I have finally made it to the halfway point in NaNoWriMo, but that means I am still a week behind. Ugh. But that's what work is for, right? To catch up on my writing in a very distracting, negative atmosphere. Should I file a complaint of toxicity in the work place? I can't get my writing done, there's a Twit in the office! Her belly is totally insulting me but being there. Grrrr.

The weather seems to be clearing up for the rest of the week. So back to the mosaic. Time to grout it, buy a frame and hope that the thing is sturdy enough to hang without any bracing along the back side of it. Thankfully the 3-day work week will give me some time to work out these details.

I'm watching a commercial for the movie "Elf." And this reminds me of the time when a friend of mine (one of the ones I went to see Precious with yesterday), who called me and asked if I wanted to go out with her and some other people to see Elf. And I totally thought she said, "A.L.F." My laughing was out of control. I was flabbergasted that they made a movie out of A.L.F. My friend was totally flummoxed over why I was choking on my tongue and practically having a seizure on the other side of the phone--you could hear my feet pounding the floor. Anyway, she cleared up the miscommunication, and then we didn't talk for awhile after that. Not because of that I think, we just run in slightly overlapping circles. Anyway, I think of her every time there is a reference to that movie. Maybe I will watch it one day. It has to at least be more uplifting than Precious!

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