26 November 2009


The set-up:

The supplies:

The grout:

The result:

Now the grout has to cure. I brought it inside (it is still very dirty) and it is on some cardboard. I occasionally go and scrub at it a bit to get any stray grout and glue bits off the glass. I will do this for about 3 days, while also spraying water on it a few times a day. That is how the grout cures. The whole thing already seems sturdier having the grout in it.

When I have it framed, I will show the grand finale photo. I'll also finally be able to post a picture of what it looks like with light shining through it. I don't even know how that will look yet! I imagine booootiful.

The rest of the afternoon was spent stressing out for no particular reason. I hate Thanksgiving (here's what I wrote on FB when a friend asked why: I have lots of things against Thanksgiving. I don't celebrate any nationally recognized holiday. I feel I can be thankful for what ever, when ever. I also don't like manifest destiny. Even if you want to overlook the fact that we made all nice-nice with the native Americans and then did a really good job of almost killing all of them and stealing their land (Hey, we gave you a nice dinner, now shut up and be grateful!), and go with the it's-about-being-with-family approach, that still doesn't work for me since I had a rotten family. I am not thankful for them, and can't wait to dance on their graves. I hate the stress of Thanksgiving and all the expectations. I can have a good time with my friends, and do have a good time with them, without all the pomp and circumstance that's surrounds it. I also pretty much hate all the traditional foods that people serve for Thanksgiving dinner. Except stuffing. I do enjoy me some stove-top stuffing!).

The Boy had agreed that we'd bring some corn-pudding for the dinner we are going to tonight; unfortunately, he swears he bought the cheese, but no cheese could be found (maybe it is in the plastic-bags cabinet and we'll discover it months later stinky it up fiercely). Luckily, Walgreens was open, and he found some mild cheddar cheese, which I feel is basically butter, but it is all they had. So we accomplish that, but come to find out, he also told the people we'd bring rice pudding. Which takes a good 40 minutes to make from scratch, and we had no milk (I asked him, if you thought we were making rice pudding, didn't you wonder why milk wasn't on the grocery list? To which he responded, "I don't know what goes in rice pudding."). So back to Walgreens he went, and then I made him do the 20 minutes of stirring. Sucker.

I squeezed in a shower somewhere, and am now stressing out about what to wear. I don't think my meds are working today. And the Orange Lover peed on the couch. I just don't think I can handle much more. Still have to write about 2000 more words for today's NaNoWriMo count. Blargh.

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