20 November 2009

Hating Twit

If she didn't already act like she's had a lobotomy, I would fucking give her one today with a crochet hook. She makes it so hard for me to be positive during the day. I was only physically at the office this morning for 4.5 hours, and it was all I could do to keep from punching her in the nose. The worst part is she is my designated back-up on certain tasks; meaning I do the task, and she has to go behind me to check and make sure it is correct. However, she is too much of a moron to be able to check my work, and it takes her way too long to do it. We had an early deadline today, and it seems she doesn't understand what a HARD deadline means. Any way, all this ended up with me being 20 minutes late to tutoring. How much does that suck? That I was late to seeing my kids because of her stupidity. On top of it, she fucked up her timesheet, and I had to leave her a message about advising that she needed to get with our boss to fix it, and she left a message saying, "oh, I saw that, but I didn't tag it." Oh, so you were hoping you'd get paid an extra 2 hours? She didn't say, "geez, I'm sorry, whoops, my bad, etc." Nothing. Way to go bitch.

Ok, thank you for letting me get that out. I feel my blood pressure dropping already. Now I'm watching some terrible show on E! about 15 fattest bodies that are now slim. The things they come up with. I have to leave shortly for a doctor's appointment.

Tonight, I'm going to see some musical theater production of a "Tale of Two Cities." We were personally invited by the composer. Does this mean I have to get fancy? Normally I wouldn't mind, but it's raining and chilly. And you just know that where ever this is being held will have the air conditioner running at 60 degrees. I'm just feeling grumpy, I guess.

I desperately need a nap.

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