11 November 2009


I made it back with no crazy story to tell (other than the guy sitting next to me on the plane kept sneaking peaks at my monitor. He must be horrified at what I was writing, or at least trying to figure out what I was writing. I am up to 16,284 words for NaNoWriMo, which isn't bad considering I was out of town for 5 days. My battery died before I could get to my goal of 18,000. The Boy nicely skipped a band rehearsal to pick me up at the airport. We came home, told stories, unpacked my suitcase and looked at pictures. Our internet isn't working, so we're stealing someone else's. Thank you, anonymous stranger!

Luckily I do not have to be in to work until 11am tomorrow morning. That gives me at least 9 hours of sleep. In my own bed! With my boy, and maybe a cat or two. It's gonna be great.

I will catch everyone up on the last two days tomorrow or Friday. For now, it is time for bed.

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