02 November 2009

Territorial Rant

Here's the thing, Ex-cop was hired in March. He was allotted one office. He was told he'd be moving office in the late fall due to an overall reorganization of the building. I guess this was a bit much to sink fully in to that thick head of his. He somehow convinced someone, somewhere, that he need two temps to work for him on a part-time basis. These got approved; HOWEVER, there is no space for them on the floor plan that was put in place around when Ex-cop got hired.

Now it is time for Ex-cop to move in to where he had put ECL, which means ECL has to move out of the office. How dreadful for him to sit with us peons out here in the open space. Then the new temp starts next Monday. Ex-cop, ECL and Twit are all trying to figure out how to sort this area that seats two to not seat four. THEY KEEP EYING MY AREA. I do HR work, I have A LOT of filing cabinets. Yet, somehow they look at my space and make those filing cabinets disappear and start talking about how they can move me here or there, or up this way or down that way. I sit in a corner, there isn't much moving to be had. I don't really appreciate what is basically a different office encroaching on mine.

I don't know what the ultimate end of this will be, but I will be in San Fran when the new temp starts. So I won't even be here to protect my area. I can pee on it, mark my place and all that, but I doubt it would change anything.

I realize I am a very territorial person. I know that isn't the best trait in the world, but it is part of the older-sibling syndrome. However, I di suggest many things that involved touching my space, and yet that wasn't enough for them. I think they want me to go away since I am not part of the gang. Nor do I want to be. I just want to keep my area. For fuck's sake, I don't even have walls, stop trying to encroach on what little I have.


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