03 November 2009

Took a 1/3 break

Considering how fucked up my fingers are after yesterday, I decided to give myself a mosaicing night off. I still did my 1667 for NaNoWriMo, and am making this entry to round out the evening. My left thumb has a nasty slice on it that gives me a nice jab every time I hit the spacebar. I took two Klonopins to ease the pain.

The Boy took me out to Houston's for dinner where he got the tasty veggie burger and fries, and I got the butternut soup, "traditional salad" and a side of fries. The only meat was the bits of bacon in my salad. We probably were a good laugh for the water. No one goes to Houston and doesn't walk away with some kind of top-grade beef baby bursting out of his/her belly. Now he wants to watch Dexter before I fall asleep. He bought me dinner, I'm sure I can do this for him. Maybe.

In other news, I am 95% sure that Twit is pregnant. Today she stood up and rubbed her belly in the way that pregnant ladies do. I feel she is daring me to ask her about it. I will not. I cannot imagine hearing those kind of details coming from her. I'm trying to decide the pros and cons of this: three months without her, pro; three months of doing hers and my work with no extra money, serious con.

Today her, Ex-cop and ECL totally rearranged the office. ECL, a TEMP, PART-TIME employee got building maintenance to totally build him a modular office. He gets walls? Seriously, a temp, part-time employee gets walls? Will someone explain this to me? The new lady comes on Monday. I am trying to remain open-minded, but she is also retired from the force (though she was in some administrative support position, which I take to mean she only knows how to use a typewriter). So there will be a whole party of retired APD and Twit DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF MY DESK. Feel my pain.

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